Here it comes
Winter is in the air. I heard it's even been snowing in the Copper River valley today. I believe it, too. That wind is nippy today, even in the bright sun. The meat chicks are really hunkering down. I found a month old meatbird whose leg was stuck between a pipe and a board this morning. He has surface frostbite across most of his breast and the sides of his back. Poor guy. I think I'm going to have to put him down.
I guess we're starting to get ready for the shift of seasons. I've been prepping the chicken house for supplemental light, and it won't be long before I'll have to put together their water heater for the long dark. The main feeder in the goat barn is getting revamped... there's not alot for the critters to chew on out in the yard anymore. The summer is past. Even the potato vines have frosted.
So here we go. Already, we have a fire in the woodstove most mornings to take the chill off. My 3 year old was busy this morning trying out her winter socks and snow pants. I better dig out our boots and parkas too. A new round of headlamps is in the mail, the kindling box is filling up, and things are getting put away. Sigh.
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