Not one but two

This afternoon, Ginger quickly and quietly birthed her doeling. The little girl is small but spunky, weighing in at an even 7 pounds. After I got her dried off and snapped some photos, I went inside to call Ginger's previous owner to tell her the good news.
Much to my bewilderment, when I went back out to check on them, Ginger had delivered a buckling too. A 9 pound boy, oh my goodness. I still cannot believe that she was carrying twins. It wasn't that long ago that I was questioning whether she was pregnant at all!
She just did not look like she could possibly have twins in her. And she has such a small frame that you would think two babies would be quite apparent. I do not know where she was carrying that big boy, but wow. He sure is gorgeous.

Reader Comments (1)
I'm starting to think (after seeing some at the county fair last week) that baby goats may qualify for top ten cutest animals.