Spring cleaning
It's another one of those days, hurtling toward the inbetween season at a zillion feet per second. On top of the usual feed the chickens, milk the goats, keep the house warm stuff... my day has been spent picking up and switching gears.
I rounded up all the stray boards that are melting out of the snow, and tried to clean in front of the goat barn. This meant raking gooey poo and straw off the ice and starting to pile it to cart away by wheelbarrow load when the snow is finally gone.
Then I went down to the chicken house, dismantled their water heater and tidied both indoors and out. A hawk plucked up one of the big black first year hens, but she spooked off the kill. So I butchered that bird and put her in the dog pot.
Next, it was time to organize the greenhouse. I'm so happy that the heating system works. It's 90 degrees in there today and doesn't get below 50 unless all systems fail. Now I'm trying to figure out how to wisely construct an extra kidding stall, before I actually need it in a couple weeks time when Sherry and Guava are due at the same time.
So that's what's been going on around here. I'm gonna grab a snack and get back to work... while the sun is still warm. Later!
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