A pair makes eight
Sherry finally presented with mucus this morning, just after I saw her backbone hollowed out. I led her back into the kidding stall that she'd been sleeping in, and went to the cabin for supplies.
The first baby, a girl, came out in between trips to the cabin to check on my daughter. Here's what I saw when I came back from running the new doeling indoors to dry off next to the woodstove.
He slid out pretty easily, though in slow motion. He was turning his head to and fro on the way down, and as he approached the ground, his front legs were pawing the straw as if he were walking right out of the womb.
Meanwhile, our little piglet was in the stall with us. Arnold was busy eating the sacs, and as I whisked away the second baby, Sherry started licking Arnold as if she were what had exited her womb.
Indoors, we got the kids dried off and fed them colostrum. They're pretty spunky little buggers and took to the bottle right away.
When I went back out to check on Sherry, I found her outside the goat shed. She was standing over Arnold, licking her up and and down in the warm sunshine, just like a good mama.
When I felt comfortable that the kids were warm and dry and had a bellyful, and Sherry was nestled up with her surrogate piglet, I went to work in the greenhouse for awhile. I stepped out to check on everyone again, and this is what I saw. OMG.
Reader Comments (1)
love it!! amazing pictures! so glad that Arnold likes the lovin, it's gotta be good for Sherry to have someone to lick on <3