Catching up
All those stars were a good omen, paving the way for Ben to fly home for a few days. It was a crisp 15 degrees below zero, so he had to spend half the day just warming up the airplane engine to make a go of it, but he made it! He decided to fly out to Terry's hangar in Birchwood to do some minor repairs, and I made the three hour round trip to pick him up and bring him back to Chickaloon.
As usual, we made it home past dark, but it was a nice surprise to see that one of the neighbors had put the plow blade down for a single pass on the Mine Road. They'd even poked into our parking area, so we were able to drive right up to the snowmachines, saving us a 1/2 mile walk in dark and frigid conditions before our ride back to the cabin. Neighbors are a cool thing, sometimes anyway.
There's alot of catching up to do. Ben is busy returning phone calls and hunt inquiries, warming up the dozer to plow out the Mine Road, getting ready to cut firewood and fill water barrels... as well as jumping back into the family dynamic and helping with everyday chores and childcare.
I know he wants to get back into the trapline as soon as possible, because that's where the money is, especially now that the snow is deep and animals are moving with colder temperatures. He brought us a coyote and a marten, and left out a bunch of marten and wolverine sets.
Today will find me baking up a storm, spoiling us for our few days togther, and stocking up quick meals for Ben to take back to the bush. The days are so short now, with about 4.5 hours of light plus some dusk, that middays are busy no matter how you look at it.
We'll see when the next storm arrives, and how much snow it brings... but for now we'll just welcome the break and the promise of warmer temperatures to come. And we'll enjoy our precious time together, trying to make each hour count. I'm one lucky mama, to get to spend these quiet winter days at home with my family. It's time to bake.
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