Morning musings

Okay, I have to admit that I love having Licorice and her bucklings in the house with us. It's the perfect setup. I don't have to tromp through the snow day or night to check on them, they don't need supplemental heat, they're comfortable, and I'm happy. In fact, its very likely that we'll kid Edelweiss in the house where we can keep a close watch... unless spring breaks early and its nice and warm in mid-March.
We've decided that future cabins will have all (human) living quarters on the second level, with permanent stalls on the lower level for when its necessary to bring dogs or goats or chickens in the house. The main wood furnace will be on the lower level, so our upstairs floor will always be warm, and there will be a large drive-through door downstairs to bring in machinery that needs to be worked on.
It's snowing today! It's been awhile, maybe six weeks since we had any significant amount of fresh snow. I love seeing everything white and prettied up. AND the sun is getting high enough to clear the mountains, so we have 4 plus hours of continuous sun when the clouds are thin enough to see it.
I'm afraid that our pure sine wave inverter is kaput, so I need to call the company to see about the costs of repairing it. Not looking forward to that conversation, but our solar power system is kind of dead in the water without it.
Today will be a day filled with shuttling a bunch of stuff up the mountain. Our friends that sold us the goats are moving out of state and gave us a bunch of reuseable straw and pallets and barrels and storage bins. Very exciting stuff.
And I'm going to bake some yummy nut flour bread in the wood cookstove, and maybe put together a big pot of soup. All this interspersed with working on taxes and other bookwork.
So that's what's swirling around in my peabrain today. Hope you guys have a good one!

Reader Comments (1)
"We've decided that future cabins will have all (human) living quarters on the second level, with permanent stalls on the lower level for when its necessary to bring dogs or goats or chickens in the house. The main wood furnace will be on the lower level, so our upstairs floor will always be warm, and there will be a large drive-through door downstairs to bring in machinery that needs to be worked on."
I've often thought of that myself. I want to tell you how much I enjoy your blog...