Back to winter
It's been down in the single digits again for the last few days. This morning its blowing and snowing and cold... much more like we expect early March weather to be.
With the space in front of our south windows rapidly filling with garden starts, I really need it to warm up a bit before heating the greenhouse and moving things out there.
Ben is leaving for the States in no less than 5 days, which makes a short window for getting the stove installed and everything else that has to be accomplished before his departure.
Alas, things are moving along though. The story-and-a-half 12 X 16 addition to the goat barn is almost finished, with elevated sleeping shelves and all.
The new chickens are finally starting to lay a bit, and I'm hoping that egg production comes back up to a normal pace shortly- so I don't have to turn away customers.
And Edelweiss is due in a week!!! It won't be long before we're awash in kids, that's for sure.
Well, the cheesepot is on the wood cookstove, heating milk for cheddar, so I best keep this short- lest I overheat or understir or something. Later!
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