Latest gossip
Whew. You'd think that with three interns here to help out, I'd be caught up and rested. Oh well, so much for that idea. Don't get me wrong though. It's been great. I love having these guys here. It IS a help, and it's all good, but seriously. How many willing hands would it take to bring us up to speed?
While I'm busy making cheese and cooking meals, they're out doing chores. Very cool idea, this WWOOFing intern thing. Our most recent addition is a gal who is somewhat local... home for the summer from college on the east coast. The New Jersey brothers are taking off on Wednesday, and are being replaced by a fresh one from Oregon. I can't believe it's almost August.
The meatchicks are getting big... some will be ready for harvest soon. We took care of the pig, and there's a lamb going to the slaughterhouse in the morning, and I'm getting ready to clean a goose this afternoon. We picked up another 50 meatchicks this week, and I'm trading fertile eggs for hatched chicks over the next couple of weeks.
We're doubling the size of the chicken house, and getting ready to add on to the goat shed. All the kids are weaned now, except for 3, but I have two new does who are getting ready to kid in August. It's all nonstop. Oh, and we're starting breedings now for next years kids who will start arriving in January.
I've added two new cheeses to our shelves recently. We've had pepperjack for about three weeks now and it's a big hit... you should try it! And now there's Gruyere on the drying rack. I'm going to sample it tonight for the first time. I hope it tastes as great as it smells.
Well, that's about all the news for now... it's a real mudfest around here. This summer sure has been cold and wet for the most part. Already looking forward to snow, so that at least we'll get rid of the mud!
Reader Comments (4)
I was thinking the same... if it's frozen there can be no mud! it's a bad thought though, I just wish the sun would come out and dry things up!!
Your next intern is from Oregon? What, is that us? ;)
He's here, from Silverton. 19 years old and bursting with inquisitive energy. You guys are next, Ariana!!!
Next interns or house guests? ;)
Can't wait to see you guys!