Lots of babies now... 8 are in my kitchen at the moment. Zoey and Licorice both kidded within an hour yesterday afternoon. They were both on 20 minute checks on day 151... good thing too, because Zoey didn't present with mucus like goats usually do when birth is imminent.
A bulging birth sac was her only clue to us, to bring her in and catch her babies. The first one was positioned properly, but the second one had both her legs hooked. No problem, and both doelings are doing well. They were just less than 6 pounds each and are nearly identical. Zoey has a nice amount of milk, a half a gallon a day already as a first time freshener... and she has good mama instinct.
Licorice's birth was different. She had two very large kids and I assisted with both. The second one also had a hooked leg. These kids are close to 9 pounds... one boy and one girl. It took quite awhile for her to release the placentas, but she is fine now and all is well.
Tuffy will certainly be next, though when she'll go is anyone's guess. We'll just have to keep a close eye on her and hope we can be here for the birth and that her baby will be safe.
Pleasant is doing great. Her milk tests clean for antibiotics now. It's such a relief to have my own test kits so I can reliably know that all the antibiotics are gone from her milk. In fact, everyone is doing great. Happy, healthy goats... lots with bellies that are getting bigger by the day. And lots of milk. Gotta like that...