Quick news
Sunday, June 6, 2010 at 5:44PM
[Lisa Rae]

I can't believe its been almost three weeks since I got the pump going.  Summer is such a crazy time in the land of the midnight sun.

Well, Iris finally kidded.  She gave us a 10 pound buckling and an 8 pound doeling.  They're big already!  And Yesna dropped a 5.5 pound buckling the other night.  So now we're all done with new babies for this spring.  Oh, and we added another doe to our herd- Wings came up the mountain a few days ago.

Other news is that our first summer intern is here!  And Ben is home for another week or so, before taking off for summer work.  So between us we should be able to get some work done.

Did I tell you we have an automatic milker now?  What a huge change, to go from milking 10 animals twice a day by hand, to this.  When it's fully set up, it can milk 4 goats at a time.  Zowie.

I guess that's all the big news in a nutshell.  Finding the time to sit down at the computer is a challenge, when there are gardens to plant, building projects to work on, etc.  Already dreaming about skiing through the dim silence of winter...

Article originally appeared on Lunachick Farm of Alaska (http://arctichomesteader.squarespace.com/).
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