Back to fall
Saturday, October 2, 2010 at 8:24AM
[Lisa Rae]

It warmed up and rained.  Whew.  That first cold snap sure makes you sit up and take notice.  It's a relief to not have to break ice for the goats and chickens to drink... yet.  Of course, we all know that the time is coming quickly.  But until then, we have a few more days to pick things up and put things away and hunker down.

I'm in the mode, one hundred percent.  Every fiber of my being is caught up in preparing for winter, as if I'm a mama bear digging her den and putting on fat.  I love it.  As much work as this time of year is, just knowing that winter is right around the corner is a real solace.  It's been a long summer, if you want to call it that.  At least it was light out and the potatoes/garlic grew.

A guy called out of the blue this week and bought my ewes.  So now I have to decide what to do with my ram.  He's really big, and soft and sweet.  Any takers out there?  And there's still 2 bucklings and 2 wethers that are ready to move on in life.  Oh, and 100ish meatbirds left to harvest.  Lotsa critters around here.

Overall, we're wrapping things up, stocking barns with feed and bedding, and getting ready.  Are you?


Article originally appeared on Lunachick Farm of Alaska (
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